Equipment in M2SEC 1550
1550 M2SEC is set up primarily for biomaterials sample preparation (including cell culture) and chemical characterization. It includes a Cary 300 UV/Vis spectrophotometer (190-900 nm ±0.02 nm; 0.0-5.0 Abs ± 0.0016 Abs); an integrated HPLC-multiangle laser light scattering system (Shimadzu Prominence HPLC including CBM-20A control module, DGU-20A degasser, LC20AB binary gradient analytical/semipreparative pump, CTO-20AC column oven, SPD-20A UV/Vis detector, RF-20A fluorescence detector, RID-10A analytical/semi-prep RI detector, Wyatt Technologies miniDawn TREOS MALLS and Viscostar [for determination of molecular weights, molecular weight distributions and radii of gyration of synthetic and biological macromolecules]); New Brunswick Scientific Bioflo110 3-L Fermenter/Bioreactor system, rotary evaporator system (Heidolph Precision); tabletop refrigerated centrifuge (Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810R with rotational speed control 10-14,000 RPM; generates up to 18,500g); New Brunswick Innova 40R programmable incubating shaker (10°C – 80°C ±0.1 °C; 25-500 RPM) and New Brunswick Scientific Innova 2000 Platform Shaker with programmable speed control over the range of 25-500 RPM; Labconco HEPA filtered Vertical Clean Bench with UV lamp; a wide variety of specialized glassware and supporting equipment (e.g. automatic pipettes, vortex mixers, ultrasonic bath, separatory funnels, “Flexaframe” racks, tongs, hot plates, etc.).
Equipment in M2SEC 1520
1520 M2SEC is set up primarily for polymer and hydrogel synthesis and mechanical testing of materials. Mechanical test equipment includes a TA Instruments RSA III Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer with a mechanical chiller with tools for compression, tension and three-point bending. It can perform a broad range of mechanical tests, including compression and tension in air and in the temperature-controlled solvent chamber, and in static and dynamic modes. The RSA III DMA consists of three components; the test station itself, an environmental control unit and a control computer. The instrument operates over a frequency range of 6.28 x 10-6 to 502 rad/s (1 x 10-6 to 80 Hz) with a strain resolution of ± 0.05 µm and a maximum force 35 N (3500 g). The environmental control section of the RSA III is capable of controlling the temperature of the samples being tested from –80°C to 500 °C. Samples can be tested in air or in a solvent chamber in a variety of testing modes, such as frequency and temperature sweeps.
Also included in this room is an AR-2000 Rheometer (TA Instruments), a temperature-controlled rheometer for studying gelation (Torque range: 0.0001-200mN.m; Angular velocity: up to 300rad/s; Resolution: 0.04 micro rad; Normal force transducer: 0.01-50N; Peltier Plate Cooling temperature range: -5 to 100C; various plate geometries, including solvent trap).
For synthesis, the following items are available: MBraun Labmaster glovebox (dry and inert atmospheres) with two workstations, freezer, touch screen controls; 3 Spectrolinker XL 1000 UV crosslinking chambers (programmable); a Plas Labs Anaerobic chamber for polymer synthesis in oxygen and water-free environments; Shimadzu AEU-210, Mettler Analytical Balance, Olympus SZH stereomicroscope with Lasico digital filar eyepiece and video/photo accessories; numerous items of supporting wet lab equipment such as heating mantles, distillation units, glassware, syringes, etc.